Tout le malheur des hommes vient d’une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos, dans une chambre.— Blaise Pascal (1623-62)
“All human problems spring from a single cause: not knowing how to remain quietly in a room.” So said Pascal, who invented the bus.
From Vincennes to the Porte de Saint-Cloud
The Métro will bear me and you;
But if we should go is what we don’t know.
I haven’t a clue, said Saint-Cloud !
Note: In the sixth century CE, a Frankish prince called Clodoald, grandson of the founding Merovingian king Clovis I, renounced his title and lived as a hermit monk. Canonized as Saint-Cloud (pronounced sɛ̃-klu in French), he was subsequently adopted as the patron of nailmakers (clou = nail). Saint-Cloud, a place named after him, is just west of Paris. See www.itineraire-metro.fr/subway/trajet-Vincennes-vers-Porte+de+Saint-Cloud.html.