In imitation of Milton’s Sonnet XII, "I did but Prompt the Age to Quit their Clogs"
“The lessons of history don’t suit our wishes: if they did, they would not be lessons, and history would be a fairy story.—Clive James, “Adolf Hitler”
I only ask that we reflect a bit
As philosophers did in former days.
Then screams of ennui surface from the maze!
Philosophy, I fear, is now best fit
For bitcoin buyers (plus the odd Trump twit)
Who gabble trendy trash, and trail ways
That will not medicine our idiot daze.
Help may not turn up in a doctor’s kit.
Console yourself, you almost get it right:
For who loves Earth must be both smart and kind
With blind ambition put far out of sight.
For all our squandered wealth—and peace of mind—
Of those great aims, how small the part you own.
A baker's tip: sourdough is not got from stone.