Said Wynken to Blynken, “Where’s Nod?
Is he out on the lawn, playing God?”
Said Blynken to Wynken:
"He's totally bored
imitating the Lord.
Now he's off doing Satan, the sod!”
and Nod.
With grief overrunneth our cup.
Nod’s called for a pause
in this latest of wars;
but that wicked old liar
won’t concede a ceasefire.
Not until Hell freezes up!
Note: A resident of the Palestinian West Bank writes, in a message recently received: “This night we were detained by masked settlers wearing military uniforms. Under gun control they took our phones and forced us to condemn the terror attackers on October 7th. They said that we are living in Israeli land and we should say it and he filmed us with his phone. I was translating from Hebrew and my community members repeated after me. They said that tomorrow we want to come back and see Israeli flags stand on the top of your houses. When I asked how we could get those flags, he said I don’t care, you should buy it and put it up. If not, you will pay the price.”