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Paul Klee, Revolution des Viadukts / Revolution of the Viaducts (1937). Hamburger Kunsthalle.

In our country there are two parties,

the crazy party and the stupid party.

They nobly share the burden of self-rule.

We owe them thanks and get to choose between them

every four years in an exciting duel,

until the issue’s settled by the banks.


The term merdrigal was coined by the poet and boulevardier Léon-Paul Fargue (, whose sardonic original verse of that title reads:

Dans mon cœur en ta présence

Fleurissent des harengs-saurs.

Ma santé c’est ton absence,

Quand tu parais, je sors.

In my heart in your presence

Kippers blossom.

My health is your absence,

When you show up, I split.

Kippers, or harengs-saurs, smoked salted herrings, also called gendarmes in France. Loch Fyne kippers are a favorite breakfast in Scotland.

"Ecrivez des merdrigaux! C'est rude, c'est rigolo et, finalement, ça ne fait pas de mal à qui que ce soit, si l'on ne nomme pas!!!"—


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