Free will does not mean one will, but many wills conflicting in one man.—Flannery O’Connor
Freedom is always the freedom of those who think otherwise [der Andersdenkenden].—Rosa Luxemburg
Hiking for a hundred millennia
An endless trail, how do we know
What’s true? A snake (or politician) lurks
Behind each equivocating reason;
Those bright berries might be poison,
Intruders face a hunting leopard there.
“We go by signs that change,” said Running Bear.
“Only doubters in the end get to go on,
Who every instant enquire of themselves:
'Might I—might that—not, perhaps, be wrong?'”
Other thinking’s intuition’s alpenstock;
Doubting everything's the gods' physician.
Those who don’t are unwitting shills
Who march to imbecilic wills,
Their spirits too malcontent to survive.
Free will exists within the grumbling hive.
You have to want it, though, to win on through.
Those who reject it—all so sure they know—
Are flotsam in the fleecing current’s flow,
Or jetsam fleeing from a life’s boo-hoo.
Sunday, February 2, 2025