So near and yet so far!
Not talking ’bout the nearest star,
But of the closest parallel universe,
Where things run in reverse.
Astrology there's upside-down:
Your sign's not set at birth
But kicks in when you pop your clogs.
Like ours, a parallel Jesus died
on April 3rd in AD 33,
An Aries. And in a recent century,
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
cling together in late April 1945—
They’re both Taurus, Mao’s a Virgo,
And Stalin and Volodya Putin "thrive,"
It's said, in Pisces.
There you go!
Though backwards, perhaps it works:
Your karma’s set from death to being born,
Avoiding much confusing life.
Time there will place the present quirks.
DT was born a Gemini, and a quarter century on,
In Jacaranda City, came his Cancer twin—
Two scheduled presently to relocate to old oblivion.
Not Mars.
But of the topsy-turvy stars'
returns, conversely, don't forget:
A parallel Leo, Elvis fiddles Schubert in the Amadeus String Quartet!

Jacaranda trees in Pretoria, Tshwane, South Africa
Thursday, January 23, 2025