白浜 鴎, Shirahama Kamome, variant cover, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, no. 6
On the bleakness of my poem "Knowledge"*
Our ancestors believed in Jesus' wrath,
The apple maggot, and the codling moth.
Later, they learned of Lenin's love—
Black as snow, the Russian saying went.
That was the wisdom of their time.
Though it was wrong, too few there were to shout,
"Fine! Be that way!" Wilde and Chekhov spent
Who'd once told hoi polloi, "Toss defunct knowledge out!
"On other worlds, the snow is white—it's Gaia's womb!
There, Squirrel Girl and Monkey Joe
Beat Iron Man and Doctor Doom."
What we believe, that, too, will pass.
Our trees are merely leaves of grass.
Scampering squirrel suitors know!

*In Raritan Quarterly 44, no. 2
Sunday, January 26, 2025